Privacy of Internet users
Tag: Product concept in marketing
Privacy of Internet users
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Why contract with an e-marketing company?
Why contract with an e-marketing company?
The costs of e-marketing services are suitable
within the budget limits available, marketing.
Why contract with an electronic marketing company?We are all aware of the current era of technological developments
and are able to deliver your product to the interested party
Because this will make you better, why should you deal with an
e-marketing company?
The estimated online marketing team builds your BIC brand identity
On a professional level, by creating and managing online campaigns
that meet the requirements and needs of the public
Externally contracting with an e-marketing company saves you time
This is because as a business owner, you will not have enough time
to run marketing campaigns on the Internet.
Develop your website
Create graphic designs
Writing content
But a professional e-marketing team will be able to do
all the tasks with ease It will be much more than financially that you are
dealing with an e-marketing company
The more you do it yourself because you will need
the time that you buy all the tools for tracking, analysis
And the rest of the steps for marketing
You will get a great return on your investment
Bill Gates once said
If your business is not online, it will exit the business cycle
Must be present
Improve your strategy and reach, If you don’t have a strategy,
you are wasting time and losing money.
Your digital marketing agency will be able to help you come up
with a strategy that covers everything from the type of your Twitter posts
to the design of your Instagram feed. They’ll also be able to write
blog posts that target SEO and secure your ranking on Google.
keyword research, knowledge of paid advertising, newsletters,
print marketing, events, etc
The most important benefits and
advantages of digital marketing
solutions and services:
The costs of e-marketing services are suitable within the budget limits available,
whether for brands or marketing campaigns for start-ups and small projects
Diversity of digital marketing channels, providing multiple opportunities
to target potential and existing customers.
Detailed targeting options for the right audience in any marketing
or advertising campaign, including demographic characteristics
such as geographic location, language, age, interests
, keywords and search terms, income level
The ability to expand and target new markets and different customer
categories by developing customized and interactive content at the lowest costs
Diversity of advertising solutions and appropriateness of advertising
cost calculation options for different campaign objectives such as
“Pay-Per-Click Ads – Payment Options for Ad Views”
on various e-marketing channels
Achieving a high rate of return on investments due to the exceptional
interaction rate with campaigns and content tailored to precisely targeted
customer categories
E-marketing campaigns and channels operate continuously 24 hours a day,
seven days a week, with the ability to determine the best times for
publishing marketing content or displaying advertisements in terms
of interaction and suitability for the target audience.
Improve content quality by analyzing engagement reports and engaging
audience characteristics
Communicate professionally and effectively with the base of followers
through personal messages and comments
Improve your business’s reputation through the quality and type of
content posted and the speed and style of responding to positive
and negative comments and ratings
Preparing, launching, and managing appropriate advertising
campaigns on social media sites dedicated to achieving the desired
marketing objectives such as increasing the reputation of your project
or company, promoting the available products or services,
increasing the number of potential customers.
The importance of motion graphics
The importance of motion graphics.
What is Motion Graphics?
Firstly: Motion graphics is a form of video that is designed with a mixture of graphics and movement
and text and audio, designed to spread an idea and present it clearly using movement. And ease of use Its programs and low cost has become one of the most popular video production methods, and the world of graphics is formed by Trade animations from a number of areas and comprehensive styles that include any movement. The group One sub of the animation is confusing to some people, even though it surrounds us in Everywhere animation.Its effects:
For example Strong Emotional Impact: Involves a magical blend that moves more emotions than other types of video, With powerful presentation, creative animation, and expressive voice, the story can make you laugh Or feel empathy, or learn something useful.
Ease of understanding the content: It is short in time, but in A short time it is able to clarify
Products and explaining boring ideas and fatty topics easily that other formats do not provide
from the video.Possibility to recycle it: By having a motion graphic video, you have a piece of art ready
For employment in other forms of advertising, you may use part of the clip as a separate video, or you can Turn a beautiful and important shot into a still photo ready to be shared on your social accounts.Enhancing Brand Personality: Helps the audience to recognize and differentiate your brand
Her personality is effortless, with every component reflecting a strong impression on her, not only in the sound but also in the choice of shapes, colors, designs, and even movement.Various types of animation
Definitively used by brands, motion, and graphic design aims to make viewers
Feel something, learn something, encourage them to buy, sign up or take any action required
To a large extent, this can be done with: tutorial videos, explainer videos,
UX Animation Videos, Animated Logos, Interactive Infographics, Presentations
Animated intros, animated titles, GIFs.What is the animation used for?
Motion graphics and designs are used for a variety of purposes. Here are some of the common causes To use a graphic animation.
1. Attract attention instantly:
Most people simply don’t go through lengthy content. Led consumption Digital content to shorten human attention span to less than that of a fish Gold: 8 seconds, according to a study by Microsoft, marketers need to attract viewers And condense insights from an in-depth article into a short 30-second video in just one minute.
2. Increase conversions and engagement
Whether your audience is made up of visual or auditory learners, the best motion graphics
You will appeal to both with a combination of great visuals and appropriate music or a blaster
Attractive audio and text. Having videos on the page may be just what tags need
Commercial to breathe new life into their content marketing efforts.Videos lead to a 157% increase in organic traffic, resulting in an increase
Great CTR. And most importantly, viewers are able to remember 95%
of the message, if they saw it in a video compared to reading it in written form.Why should you use animation in your marketing?
The link between motion and e-marketing.
DalilMsr offers an important service of Motion Graphics and video marketing is a very effective strategy when attracting and converting your audience, because of the huge amount of information available to us on a daily basis, For the sake of the average attention span of a modern human being appears for ads to 8 seconds. This means that you have an efficient shopping Immediately and his information is valuable, as he occupies companies and more companies by setting up, and placing clicks, turning into a set of videos. Like those appearing on YouTube for over ten minutes, high-quality videos can be uploaded to provocateurs.
Social media in our modern society has become the most effective channel for blog distribution on the internet website. 94 social media marketers distribute content.
Our constant example:
The numbers speak: let’s check our business growth and success story.
How to contact us!
Finally: The best choice among Google ads “Google Ads” is the type of ads that suits
Your target audience and business goals require an excellent marketing company
To provide us with the best selection, preparation, and management of your advertising campaigns effectively having experience Prior to choosing the best e-marketing company, “Dalilmsr” provides solutions and services
Develop and manage digital advertising campaigns on e-marketing platforms.Address 124 Nozha Street – Teremph Square – Heliopolis.
Mobile 01200996768-01153386244-01008109788
Order your first ad campaign and don’t hesitate
دور الإنستجرام فى التسويق الالكترونى.
دور الإنستجرام فى التسويق الالكترونى.
دور الإنستجرام فى التسويق الالكترونى.
منصة الانستجرام هي إحدى أفضل المنصات التي يمكن أن تستخدمها الشركات للتسويق لمنتجاتها،
وزيادة المبيعات، وتقوية العلاقات مع العملاء90% من رواد انستقرام يتابعون علامة تجارية واحدة على الأقل على المنصة، و 60% منهم اكتشفوا منتجات وخدمات جديدة.
ثلثي المنشورات الأكثر انتشارًا على منصة انستقرام لها طابع تسويقي.
لذلك فرواد انستقرام يتفاعلون مع التدوينات التسويقية ولا يتجاهلونها كما هو حال معظم الشبكات الاجتماعية الأخرى.30% من رواد انستقرام اقتنوا منتجات وخدمات اكتشفوها على المنصة.
تبيّن هذه الإحصاءات أنّ رواد انستقرام لا يمانعون متابعة ومشاركة المحتويات التسويقية،
وذلك على خلاف المعتاد في الشبكات الاجتماعية، وربما يكون السبب في ذلك أنّ انستقرام منصةٌ بصرية بالأساس.لذلك فإنّ الشركات والمشاريع التي تعرض منتجاتها بطريقة فنية ومبتكرة عبر الصور والفيديوهات يمكن أن تحظى بإعجاب الناس ومتابعتهم، كل هذا يجعل التسويق عبر الانستقرام استثمارًا مربحًا
1- تحديد الجمهور
تستهدف الشريحة الأكثر قابلية لشراء منتجاتك وخدماتك. لا شك أنّ لديك فكرة أولية عن عملائك المحتملين. ما عليك الآن هو أن تعرف نوع المحتوى الذي يتفاعلون معه، والهاشتاجات التي يستخدمونها، والحسابَات التي يتابعونها.
2-التفاعل مع المنشورات
: تفترض أنّ المستخدمين الذين يتفاعلون مع المنشورات والصور والفيديوهات التي تنشرها، سواء عبر الإعجاب أو المشاركة أو التعليق، يحبون المحتوى الذي تقدمه.
لذلك فإنّها تزيد احتمال حصولهم على منشوراتك. لذا، فاحرص على جعل متابعيك يتفاعلون مع محتواك
3- الهاشتاج
الهاشتاجات: التي تضعها في منشوراتك بالحسبان لتخمين الموضوع الذي تتحدث عنه. يسمح انستقرام بوضع 30 هاشتاقًا في كل تدوينة، لكن عليك ألا تبالغ في استخدامها،
فقد أظهرت بعض الدراسات أنّ العدد المثالي للهاشتقات في كل منشور ينبغي أن يكون محصورًا بين 8 و 11 هاشتاقًا.
4- الحساب
أول شيء عليك فعله بعد إنشاء حسابك التجاري، هو إعداد ملفك الشخصي، سنستعرض في هذه الفقرة العناصر الضرورية التي ينبغي إعدادها لتنظيم حسابك وتحسينه.
5- المحتوى
إنشاء محتوى جذاب وممتع ومفيد. ينبغي أن يكون المحتوى ذا جودة عالية، وأن يعبر عن علامتك التجارية، ويناسب أذواق متابعيك. ستتعلم مع مرور الوقت نوع المحتوى المحبب لمتابعيك ويتفاعلون معه.
صحيح أنّ هدفك هو التسويق عبر الانستقرام لمنتجاتك، وهذا يقتضي غالبًا أن تنشر محتويات ترويجية جادة، لكن لا ينبغي أن تنسى أنّ الناس يأتون إلى انستجرام وبقية الشبكات الاجتماعية للاستمتاع والترفيه. لذلك حاول أن تضفي على منشوراتك لمسة من المرح من حين لآخر، أو حتى تنشر صورًا طريفة حتى لو لم تكن لها علاقة بالمنتجات التي تبيعها
6- الصور
الصور هي أكثر المحتويات ،واكثر ماتستخدمة شركة دليل مصر وتحظى بتفاعل أكبر بـ 36% من المتوسط. لذا لا جرم أنّها تحظى بحصة الأسد على منشورات انسجرام. نظرًا لأهمية الصور على انستقرام، عليك أن توليها عناية خاصة، وأن تستخدمها بكثافة في التسويق عبر الانستقرام. عليك أيضًا ألا تكتفي بنشر صور المنتج فقط، وإنّما يُفضّل أن تنشرها في وضع الاستخدام.
7- الاعلانات
الإعلانات هي أسرع طريقة للتسويق عبر الانستجرام، وجذب المزيد من المتابعين وزيادة المبيعات، كما أنّه يمكنك التحكم فيها، وتحديد الشريحة التي تستهدفها بالإعلانات مثل: العمر، والموقع الجغرافي، والعلامات التجارية التي يتابعها الجمهور المستهدف بالإعلانات.
مثلا، إن كنت تملك متجرًا إلكترونيا لبيع الأدوات المنزلية في منطقة معينة، فيمكن أن تستهدف رواد انستقرام الذين يقطنون في تلك المنطقة، وينتمون إلى الشريحة المستهدفة (مثلا، الإناث بين 18 و 45 سنة)، ويتابعون العلامات التجارية لمنافسيك. من المهم أن تعلم أنّ إعلانات انستقرام ستوصل الناس إلى صفحة الهبوط، لكن هذا لا يعني أنهم سيشتَرون بالضرورة.
8- النتائج
معلومات مفصلة عن كل منشور، مثل حجم التفاعل والمشاهدات وغير ذلك.
عدد الأشخاص الذين زاروا ملفك الشخصي.
معلومات عن المتابعين، مثل نسبة زيادة أعداد المتابعين، وديمغرافية المتابعين، مثل الجنس والسن، والمناطق الجغرافية التي يقطنون فيها، إضافة إلى معلومات مهمة أخرى.
عدد مشاهدات قصص انستقرام
منصة انستقرام هي تابعة لفيسبوك، وبالطبع لهاأهمية وقوة اعلانات الفيسبوك خصوصاً في هذا الوقت، نظراً لأن فيسبوك يمتلك الكثير من البيانات والمعلومات المعقدة والمتطورة للغاية والتي يستغلها في الاستهداف.
لهذا الحملات الإعلانية على فيسبوك وانستقرام قوية للغاية
لذلك لابد من ان استغل انستجرام قبل أن تقل قوته وتأثيره في المستقبل
ولتحقيق هذاتتطلب شركة تسويق ممتازة
لتقدم لك أفضل عملية اختيار وإعداد وإدارة حملاتك الإعلانية بشكل فعالووجود خبرة مسبقة مع اختيار أفضل شركة تسويق إلكتروني ” دليل مصر”كما توفر حلول وخدمات ايضاً وتطوير وإدارة حملات الإعلانات الرقمية على منصات التسويق الإلكتروني.
العنوان 124 شارع النزهه – ميدان تريومف – مصر الجديده
The Role of Instagram in E-marketing
The Role of Instagram in E-marketing
The role of Instagram in e-marketing.
Instagram platform is one of the best platforms that companies can use to market their products,
increase sales, and strengthen relationships with customers. 90% of Instagram users follow at least one brand on the platform, and 60% of them discover new products and services.
Two-thirds of the most popular Instagram posts are marketingTwitter Marketing | Email Marketing Company. Therefore, Instagram users interact with marketing posts and do not ignore them, as is the case with most other social networks. 30% of Instagram users have purchased products and services they discovered on the platform.
These statistics show that Instagram pioneers do not mind following and sharing marketing content, unlike the usual in social networks, and perhaps the reason for this is that Instagram is primarily a visual platform.
Therefore, companies and projects that display their products in an artistic and innovative way through photos and videos can be admired and followed by people,
all of this makes Instagram marketing a profitable investment.
Define the audience
Target the segment most likely to buy your products and services. No doubt you have an initial idea of your potential customers.
Now you need to know what kind of content they interact with, what hashtags they use, and what accounts they follow.
Interact with publications
Assume that users who interact with your posts, photos, and videos, whether by liking, sharing, or commenting, like your content.
So it increases the likelihood that they will get your posts. So, be sure to get your followers to interact with your content
The hashtag
Hashtags: you put into your posts to guess the topic you’re talking about. Instagram allows 30 hashtags per post, but you shouldn’t overuse it,
some studies have shown that the ideal number of hashtags in each post should be between 8 and 11.Account
The first thing you need to do after creating your trading account is to set up your profile. In this paragraph,
we will review the necessary elements that should be set up to organize and improve your account.Content
Create engaging, interesting, and useful content. The content should be of high quality, express your brand, and suit the tastes of your followers.
Over time, you will learn what kind of content your followers like and interact with.
It is true that your goal is Instagram marketing for your products, and this often requires you to publish serious promotional content,but you should not forget that people come to Instagram and the rest of the social networks to enjoy and be entertained.
So try to give your posts a touch of fun every once in a while, or even post funny pictures even if they have nothing to do with the products you sell
Images are the most content, the most used by Daleel Misr, and 36% more interaction than the average.
So there is no doubt that she has the lion’s share of Instagram posts.
Due to the importance of Instagram photos, you have to pay special attention to them, and use them extensively in Instagram marketing.You should also not only publish product images, but it is preferable that you publish them in user mode.
Ads are the fastest way to market through Instagram, attract more followers and increase sales,
and you can control them, and determine the segment you target with ads such as age, geographical location,
and brands that the target audience follows with ads. For example, if you own an online store that sells home appliances in a specific area,you can target Instagram followers who live in that area, belong to the target segment (eg, females between 18 and 45 years old), and follow the brands of your competitors.
It’s important to know that Instagram ads will get people to the landing page, but that doesn’t mean they’ll necessarily buy.
Detailed information about each post, such as engagement volume, views, and more. The number of people who visited your profile.
Information about followers, such as the percentage of increase in the number of followers, the demographics of followers, such as gender and age, and the geographical areas in which they live, in addition to other important information. The number of views of Instagram stories The Instagram platform is affiliated with Facebook,and of course, it has the importance and strength of Facebook ads, especially at this time, given that Facebook has a lot of complex and highly sophisticated data and information that it exploits in targeting.
This is why the advertising campaigns on Facebook and Instagram are very powerful, so I must take advantage of Instagram before it decreases in strength and influence in the future,
and to achieve this requires an excellent marketing company.
To provide you with the best selection, preparation, and effective management of your advertising campaigns
Having prior experience with choosing the best e-marketing company, “Daleel Misr”
It also provides solutions and services, as well as developing and managing digital advertising campaigns on e-marketing platforms.
Address 124 Nozha Street – Triumph Square – Heliopolis
Mobile 01200996768-01153386244-01008109788