The effect of emojis on interaction with advertisements

The effect of emojis on interaction with advertisements

The effect of emojis on interaction with advertisements

effect of emojis in interacting with ads The update made by “Facebook” by adding various “emojis” when pressing the like sign,

reduced the audience’s interaction with comments on ads.

As the new emoji affected the volume of interaction with the comments,

as it reduced the writing of the opinion after the emoji became expressive of that opinion.

This update will reduce the audience’s interaction with the official pages of the companies,

which is a tool for measuring the audience’s reaction and provides companies

with important information about their audience and their tendencies and sometimes to inquire about any information.

Main Goals

The main goal of creating corporate pages on Facebook is to create interaction with their audience by commenting and responding to them.

 greater the number of comments on the advertisement,

the greater its spread. Therefore, companies always seek to urge the public to comment using a variety of advertising methods.

As companies will look for an alternative to interacting with comments if interaction with ads is less than at present.

The new update of Facebook, a new addition to it, will increase the audience’s interaction with each other.

This update did not affect the methods of advertising on Facebook, because clicking on

the like or its alternatives will be charged in any of the Facebook payment methods.

 new update for Facebook is still being tested and tested by e-marketing agencies,

The entire advertising community is in a state of concern.

“So far, the audience takes this update as a game and uses it a lot,

but if it negatively affects the comments, the agencies will look for alternatives to interact with the comments.”

The effect of the new update on the advertisement varies from one advertisement to another,

depending on how strong it is.

If it is a strong and positive advertisement, the audience’s comments on it will not decrease, but rather it will add a new interaction,

unlike the non-strong advertisement,

which will have less interaction with comments and the audience

will replace it with an emoji expressing their anger or rejection.

What is an emoji?

Emoji is a term of Japanese origin and the first appearance of these emojis was in the late nineties, and the actual appearance of these faces began

with the spread of mobile phones,

Especially in the era of smartphones,

which was accompanied by the launch of a large number of instant messaging and dating applications such as “Twitter”,

“WhatsApp”, Instagram, Facebook, and other various applications.

The beginning of the emoji:

The first emoji was created between 1998 and 1999 by a Japanese designer who at the time was working on a mobile internet platform called i-mode.

He was inspired by the symbols of weather forecasts and signs in the streets and decided to adopt this idea and launch his project.

These emojis have gained popularity and become widely used by people all over the world.

The origins of the word come from,

Emojis are also from Japanese – e (image) and moji (character),

and the use of emojis has become so common in popular culture that it is hard to imagine not using them in everyday life.

emoji effect

Love and emotional relationships have turned,

like any detail in our lives, into an “emoji” and two words on the social networking site

“Facebook.” Sadness, joy, depression, and boredom are all feelings

that we no longer need to express to our loved ones in traditional ways, whether by complaint or thanks, but here is “emotion.”

It is the solution that will reach what you want to say without a word. Therefore, dear Facebook, do not worry and do not be confused about

how to choose the emoji that suits your psychological state,

How to contact us

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124 Nozha Street – Triumph Square – Heliopolis 

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